DAVINCI Development Case Study - SOLIDWORKS

InfoWeb Marketplace

Saturday, April 27, 2019Description :
DAVINCI Development Case Study - SOLIDWORKS. DAVINCI Development are an engineering consultancy with a large 3D printing facility and use SOLIDWORKS across a number of projects. The video focuses on a customer’s (High Class Racing) requested to design and develop composite car bodies for the DTC series. This requires SOLIDWORKS Simulation to streamline the cars more efficiently using SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation, which saves the company time and money. They have been able to integrate the designers and simulation specialists more effectively in a shorter timeline using SOLIDWORKS PDM, which has also benefited sales, and marketing in communicating to potential DAVINCI Development customers. Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/z3rQfT Visit our website: http://www.solidworks.com/ Follow us! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/solidworks Twitter: https://twitter.com/solidworks LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/5003792/

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