Pandrol Case Study - SOLIDWORKS

InfoWeb Marketplace

Saturday, December 1, 2018Description :
Pandrol Case Study - SOLIDWORKS. With a reputation for reliable products, Pandrol cater for arid dessert and sub-zero coastal areas. Pandrol rely on SOLIDWORKS Simulation to predict the performance of parts within the CAD development phase, reducing the amount of real life work and streamline prototyping. SOLIDWORKS PDM is a great asset to Pandrol utilising numerous SOLIDWORKS Premium licenses worldwide and a database of over 20,000 parts. Pandrol identify SOLIDWORKS Visualize as helping them to produce professional quality rendered images and photographic images for their customers to visualize what the product will look like in real life. Pandrol use SOLIDWORKS Composer to create small videos and animations to market themselves and provide operation manuals for customers including step by step guides. Subscribe to our channel: Visit our website: Follow us! Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn:

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