Single-unit oven.
Up to 350°C.
Standard range starting at 1 m3.
applications: drying, dehydration, baking, polymerisation of products
with or without flammable substances, liquid and powder painting.
Electronics controlled via PLC.
Static relays or thyristor-controlled power controllers.
Powered by electricity, direct gas or heat exchanger, etc...
Modular oven.
All dimensions.
With overhead or ground-level conveyor, etc.
applications: drying, dehydration, baking, polymerisation of products
with or without flammable substances, liquid and powder painting.
Heated by convection, radiation, etc.
Powered by gas, electricity, coolant, etc...
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC depending on the equipment.
Directive on VOCs 2004/42/EC amending and replacing Directive
1999/13/EC of 11 March 1999 (reducing solvent emissions) applicable on
01 January 2007.
Modular oven