Web-based software for a new view into quality data and quality aspects.
The Q-DAS PLV | PlantViewer gives the user a completely new view with fresh insights into quality #data and quality #aspects. The focus here is on a clear structure that is developed starting with the production machine and building ?upwards?. Using PLV, all machines can monitor and immediately see the #measurement result for the parts manufactured on these machines regardless of the actual location. PLV’s goal is to give its user-ranging from line supervisors to managers-an overview of the information that is relevant to the user. Here, you are able to build the image of the company or production organisation in the form of lines, factory workshops, plants, etc.
For more info, visit our website - https://www.q-das.com/en/products/software/q-das-plv-plantviewer
Q-DAS PLV | PlantViewer
Searches related toDetection, Measurement
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