Here at Toyota, we are continually looking to develop our products and services to help your operations become more productive and efficient. As part of this, we have introduced concept of simple automation in the form of the BT Autopilot TAE050 semi-automatic cart.
In today’s blog post we would like to provide you with more information on simple automation and how it will help your business. So here we go:
What is simple automation?
Simple automation is a low cost and easy to install solution which will help to optimise, standardise and simplify your operation. In particular, the TAE050 is used to automate repetitive manual processes like stock replenishment and transportation. This then allows you to utilise the team member who was performing this process to perform a more complex task within your business, allowing your operation to be more productive. With a towing capacity up to 500kg, the TAE050 can transport large quantities of items on a constant cycle.
How does it work?
The TAE050 cart follows magnetic tape which you lay on the floor. Although the use of magnetic tape is by no means revolutionary, it does offer high levels of flexibility as it can be re-laid should your operational process change. The cart responds to command markers which are placed on the floor beside the guidance tape which instructs the cart to stop, load or unload and then resume on its route. Once the route has been defined and the command markers placed, simply start up the cart and it will join its route and begin operating. Along with the high levels of consistency and flexibility the TAE050 offers, it also has high levels of safety. The cart has a laser scanner mounted on the front of its chassis which will detect any obstacles placed on its journey. If an obstacle is detected, the cart will stop at a safe distance until its path is clear and will then resume on its programmed route.
Which industries is it suitable for?
The concept of simple automation and the application of the TAE050 can be used in any operation where repetitive loading or unloading processes are performed. However, in industries such as manufacturing, healthcare and ecommerce where high quantities of stock are being transported and unloaded frequently is where you will see the greatest benefits by providing you with a low cost, reliable solution to performing these repetitive processes.
Simply effective - an introduction to simple automation
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